Healing Rammy’s Eye Infection and Boorie’s Cellulitis Infection

Hello Cathy
I hope you, Eric and your team are keeping warm in this beautiful winter weather we are enjoying here in Australia. Probably a little colder down your way, than up here where I am.  ðŸ™‚

March was the month that the issues with my animals started and we are now in June and everything is beginning to settle nicely, no more injuries, which I am thankful for.

Rammy – His eye is looking really well, since when I first contacted you in March. Not sure what he had done, first we thought it was pink eye and started to treat it as such via remedies in his water, though with it being so wet, they were not drinking much and the remedy in his feed didn’t go down too well.

Once his plan was started I could see improvement within days. Cathy, I think you were also right in saying that you felt it was more an object piercing his eye and not pink eye.  By the 13th of April, Rammie’s eye was looking so much better and today (June) he only has a small scar within his eye, to which you have to know it is there to see.

Boorie – 13th of April, was when I woke up this morning to find Boorie, my oldest horse of 25 years of age had done a really good job on his front right knee. I don’t know how he did it, though he cut/sliced right across his knee and it was mightily swollen, still bleeding, so done not that long ago. To this day I have no idea on what or how he cut himself so badly, I could not see any signs of blood or damage anywhere in their night paddock.

Thankfully Cathy and Eric were there to step me through and help and to stop my panic from rising. I learnt a new way of sealing a wound that cannot be bandaged, as my first worry was infection due to it being so wet and muddy. They answered all my questions and guided me through the process of ag lime / sulphur mix being administer to his cut leg. By this time his leg was swollen from his knee down to his hoof and hot. Plus the wound became larger due to where it was and with movement. 

Cathy started to treat him from her end as well with remedies and a plan was to be started on Monday. Then on Sunday, I woke up to find his back right leg had also swollen up from the top of his knee right down to his hoof.

My emotions were running very high by this time. After speaking to another horse person who confirmed it would have been from a cellulitis infection, I was very mixed with what to do, as I could also see that Boorie was in a lot of pain and off his feed a little.

I am so glad that Cathy and Eric were there, after my text of thinking about PTS, Cathy phoned and spoke to me, which gave me the confidence that they had treated this very problem (cellulitis infection) on many occasions with other horses in the past and with good results.
That was a relief to hear, as my husband and I were in the process of deciding if it would be better for him to be PTS.

I confirmed with Cathy on the phone that I would stick with having a Healing Plan/s run on Boorie.  I’m not sure if she started it that day, or just gave other remedies to support Boorie until the plan was started, though on Monday morning  Boorie was looking stable if not better with the swelling on his front leg coming down a little. His back leg had not swollen up any more and was no longer hot, his front leg had started to go down plus he was walking better. Cathy stayed in contact with me via text and I updated her with how Boorie was going plus sending some photos to show her.

I will not lie, the month of April was a challenge between all the rain we were still getting, the muddy environment and Boorie’s cut being difficult to keep dry and clean, my one uplift was that I could see the Healing Plan/s working. Within a week, the swelling on his back leg came down nicely, swelling around his hock took a little longer. His front leg swelling had gone down nicely and both legs were not hot at all. Boorie was able to walk with more ease. So I knew any infection within his body had been healed, now I was just looking after the cut which was right on the section of his knee that bends and yes he knocked it a few times, which set it backwards.

Today, end of June, Boorie is doing so well, all that is left on his front knee is still a little scab which is healing nicely.

I am so thankful that Cathy and Eric came into my life about 15 plus years ago, after reading about them in a horse magazine. From that article, I contacted them to have a plan run for treating my other horse Nirji who had an itch problem and noticed the healing that his body received from the plan/s.

To this day, the HWE Team and the remedies are my go to for when needed, as I prefer to stay away from Big Pharma, Doctors and Vets as much as I possibly can.

Thank you Cathy and Eric for writing that article, how my life has changed and many new tools placed within my toolbox.

Wanda Morris
Tiaro – Queensland

To book in your horse for its first Healing Plan click here. For more information about Healing Plans click here.

To see our recommended remedies for your horses click here.

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